These three ancient sciences, also known as the three rivers are the most all encompassing life tools I have found. I have been attracted to life’s big questions forever.
“Why are we here?”
‘What is real?”
‘What does it all mean?’
“Who and what can I trust?’
This list could go on and on!
I have not only found answers to these questions through these sciences, I’ve also found a peace that I never thought possible for one with such a seeking mind.
I have always loved being with people. I have worked closely and intimately with people since I was 15. It started with hairdressing. There is such a beautiful relationship that flourishes between a client and a hairdresser, what rich growth this offered me from such a young age. People are putting their image in your hands. We are all affected by how we are perceived and we all have a particular way we like to present ourselves.
After my apprenticeship I worked for a few years as a senior hairdresser, then realized I needed to learn more about life and myself and others. I started studying homeopathy. I was so attracted to the this science and the western science I studied along with it. Over the years I continued to study homeopathy, wholistic counselling, different forms of bodywork, including Bowen technique, foot reflexology and relaxation massage. I’ve worked in retail in aromatherapy and I was always working in hairdressing or hospitality to support myself to study all of these things I deeply craved to know more about.
In 2002 I became a Mum. This has by far been the most extraordinary part of my own personal growth! I became a single Mum in 2004 and quite a wild ride ensued for about 8 years. I worked for myself as a hairdresser, I continued to study, I lived life to my best ability with a lot of external pressure and stress. During this time I continued to turn to yoga for support. Sometimes it was the only place I felt I could breathe properly, moving and breathing on my mat. Before I became a Mum I was a very active person. From a young age I would swim every day, it helped that I spent the first 25 years of my life in Queensland! I was up at the crack of dawn, in the pool, big breakfast and off to work.
I would say that the discipline and drive to move and breathe has always been a part of me but when you are solo parenting, there is no walking out the door to get your fix! I found Yoga in my early 20’s, I had practiced many styles so I knew enough to get on my mat and put together some sequences that brought me back to me. This is when yoga became more and more important to me.
The magic had begun

I had had some profound experiences with yoga, on and off the mat, including the feeling that my daily breath and movement practice during pregnancy, totally took over my labor and supported me in a way I still cannot describe in words! I had the most incredible birthing experience that was totally guided by a power well beyond my minds ability to grasp what was happening. Needless to say that I knew there was a potency in these practices beyond anything I had experienced elsewhere and beyond other things I had studied.
I felt like a had my own private love affair with this thing called Yoga. Sometimes I went to classes, most of the time I practiced by myself, lots of reading and experimenting. In 2012 I met my now husband and a yoga teacher who offered me practice from depths I knew existed but hadn’t experienced before. Two important people that would change the course of my life.
I studied Ayurvedic principles with her and tantra and practiced physical asana with her for about 2 years. In this time I signed up for my formal yoga teacher training and my deeper yoga journey truly began. I started teaching in 2016 and I have loved every minute of growth that these incredible sciences offer me and sharing them takes it to a whole new level. I would never have dreamed of embarking on this journey as a career path, but my husband, yes I married him, convinced me it was a no brainer. By this stage I was so exhausted with studying, running a hair salon, parenting, teaching yoga, that I decided to take a chance! I closed my hair salon and I’ve never looked back.
This year I have been studying with a new teacher and my goal is to complete an Advanced 300hr teacher training as an Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist. Even though these teachings have been a focus for me for years, this new teacher and training is weaving the three sciences together in ways that make it even more useful. Everything I’ve ever studied has been a part of the mind, body, soul model. I have been attracted to the energetics of life forever and have been looking for ways to make this accessible and for it to have practical application. I can’t see the point in having knowledge for the sake of knowledge, for me it has to have a place in every day life that is beneficial to our wellbeing.
The science of Ayurveda is the science of life. How to live in harmony with nature and as balanced as we can possibly be amidst all of the changes that are constantly taking place. We learn about our body, our vehicle and our own personal blueprint according to the five elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether, and the qualities that define these elements. We learn how to eat, move, breath, rest and work according to this blueprint. We learn how to detect imbalances and how to bring ourselves back to peace. This connects us to all of life and earths us providing a stable foundation for the real work of yoga!
Yoga, according to the wise sage Patanjali, who wrote the Yoga Sutras, is about our mind. It is about directing our mind so it becomes like a still clear lake. Without this life is a constant parade of likes and dislikes, with our unconscious mind running the show most of the time. This is what leaves us confused and feeling incongruent in our thoughts, feelings and actions. Yoga is a state that we arrive at, a goal to work towards, as well as the road map there.
Tantra is the science of energy. The life force energy that animates every single living thing on this planet. This is the energy that connects us all. This is where we can experience a deep connection to one another. The word tantra means to weave, or to move beyond our current situation. There are so many tools on offer because the tantrics view everything as sacred and divine because of this energy that created it. Tantric Hatha Yoga is a practice we can explore with a huge amount of tools to draw from.
As a result, our bodies are nurtured and nourished by Ayurveda, our minds are decluttered and reprogrammed by yoga and our soul finds it’s place so our whole being is being accessed and utilized, to navigate this thing we call life! My favourite thing is sharing what I learn and seeing others light up as their own realizations come forth in the sacred space that holds us. I feel that my seeking has found a resting place which offers me a place to rest and embody the teachings. From this deep well of personal practice springs support for all areas of life.

I really enjoyed reading about your journey Susie and look forward to meeting you on Monday morning. I also look forward to booking a yoga session with you for myself.