
How are you going out there as Winter takes us deeper into the dark?

It’s virus season, that’s for sure. The wind is blowing things around as I sit and write this email. Winter is a combination of Vata and Kapha. This winter feels more Vata than the years passed. It is dry and cold and windy. It is crisp and sharp and changeable. These are Vata qualities.

You are receiving the Sunday Session email on a Wednesday because I had a virus over the weekend. Today is the first day that I have felt clear enough through my mental faculties to engage outwards. I taught a yoga class this morning and I’m remaining stable in my energy. My immune system has done it’s work beautifully. Along with the immune support I’ve offered myself, supplements, rest, stillness and disengaging from the external world. Whilst this has served my immune system well and I’ve gotten out of the way of my body’s defence system to bring me back to balance, it wasn’t an easy surrender for my mind or my emotions, because I was supposed to start my Ayurveda workshop last Sunday!

That represents the struggle I went through! I am delighted to say that everyone was very supportive and starting a week late is going to work. Thank you!

Every virus has it’s own energy signature, and it interacts with our energy signature as we become it’s host. Viruses are living organisms and according to Ayurveda, all living organisms, plant, animal and mineral, have their own signature of the 5 elements. Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. If I can surrender to being unwell, I can observe and feel the signature of the virus, I can reflect on my nature and natural tendencies, and I can do my best to serve the whole messy situation.

I am high Vata and Pitta in my Ayurvedic constitution. The Pitta element, representing fire, can stop me from surrendering and the Vata element tends to mean I experience unwellness through my throat and sinuses, and my mind and nervous system. I turn to the principles of Ayurveda to calm my nervous system. If I can ground and calm, my immune system can do it’s thing.

I have been particularly aware of my energy levels the last few years as my fibromyalgia turned itself up! I am thrilled that everything I’ve been doing is serving me well. It’s not easy for Vata to find steadiness. I have spent decades learning about myself through the lens of Yoga, Ayurveda, Astrology and the Akashic records. I have received so much information about myself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I find learning, witnessing and receiving information easy and it’s my favourite thing to do. It can be the ‘putting it in to practice’ that is the challenge for me!

Our lifelong journey is to get to know ourselves. Beyond the self that is a participant in the world. If we can do this, the participant we are in the world becomes a truer expression of who we really are.

What is your personal energy signature?
You may have different tools and modalities that support you to learn this.
How does this affect your mind, body and emotions?
What is your signature pathway when a virus chooses you as a host?
Is it sinuses, lungs, throat, ears?

All of this information is worthy of our attention. When we are well we know how to create harmony and balance through our nervous system.
Can we then apply this knowledge when we are unwell?

Ancient wisdom systems suggest that unwellness and dis-ease start through the subtle layers. Therefore, these systems are designed to connect us to the subtle layers of ourselves. Detecting shifts from balance quickly and responding in ways that support balance, can give us a very different experience of life.

How do we develop the ability to witness ourselves clearly?
Beyond the judgement of the lower mind.
How can we learn from this information?
What can we do when we fell confronted by what we see in ourselves?

The path to wellness is not linear, in fact sometimes it can look like us going over and over and over old ground. Physical symptoms, mental and emotional patterns, in Yoga and Ayurveda are called Samskaras, can grip us. We can feel grabbed and helpless leaving us feeling like we can’t change things.

It is through the spiral nature of healing and revisiting, over and over again, that we can drop into deeper and deeper layers of our understanding of self. As we surrender to this, we learn about our true essence. We learn about how and why we come out of balance initially. Even long term, chronic conditions can receive support from this knowledge of self.

Then through practical application and an ongoing devotion to learning more, this knowledge slowly becomes embodied wisdom. There are no fast tracks or corners to cut. Sometimes we move through things quickly, sometimes we coast along merrily for a time. But as long as we’re in a body, we will fluctuate, because we are governed by the laws of duality here.

From an astrological perspective we are in a very beautiful Cancer and Capricorn portal. We had a Capricorn Full Moon just after the Sun moved into Cancer. 00 degrees Cancer is solstice point. We will end this Cancer season with a second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn at the 29th degree of Capricorn. There are 30 degrees to move through before there is a sign change.
This is a beautiful window to ponder what constitutes care and connection. Where are the boundaries between care and connection between self and the other. Cosmically, Cancer represents spirit coming into matter, via the womb of the Mother and the baby being born. Capricorn represents the ascent from the material world, back to the spiritual plane. Both of these energies represent a turning point, this is energy that supports deep self reflection and the ability to change what needs to be changed.

May we bow to the Universal energies that govern us here
May we learn
May we grow
May we surrender
May we find our unique rhythm

Thank you to those that are booked for the upcoming Ayurveda Workshop starting this Sunday. Thank you for your flexibility and your kind words. There are a couple of spots available still, so if you’ve been wondering whether to join or not, this could be your sign!

I hope you are well and if you’re not that you are being cared for well.

With love and warmth,
