Why would we practice Utkatasana?

This shape drops our energy down into our feet. From there we need to find the strength in the musculature of our thighs, and stabilise our core energy to support the opening through the shoulders.

The thighs and the core work together to stabilise and to bring a lift to the shape. Through this process the shoulders feel the support of this energy plugged into the earth allowing them to relax and open enough to raise the arms. It is important to note here, to make sure the neck always feels comfortable and the face and jaw feel relaxed. If there is too much strain through the shoulders and the neck, simply lower the arms, find where the tension eases off and that is your position for now!

Continuing to work with these basic shapes will create a relationship which allows a deeper expression of the form. You will feel the body relaxing in some areas, and opening in others, as you not only become more familiar, but as your body strengthens.

This form also strengthens the ankles because of the positioning of the pelvis, creating a weight bearing situation with a different centre of gravity to Tadasana. The knees are aligned creating an even situation for the pelvis. and as we gently drop the tail towards the heels, we feel the navel drawing back, creating stability through the torso and switching on the core muscles. This switch on creates heat, along with the heat created from the big thigh muscles in action. If this heat flies upwards and a frustration comes over you, direct this heat to the navel as you breathe. Inhale, create an expansion, exhale, draw the navel back. This focus will direct the heat to the digestive organs where the heat is required for healthy digestion.

We tend to do so much mental processing of everything, including our emotions. This can bypass the power of the gut, dampening our ability to digest our food and daily experiences, and ultimately dampening our connection to our intuition. The goal of physical practice in yoga is to purify the body enough so we can sit for longer in contemplation and meditation. Then we need to generate the energy required to process the information we receive from these practices, so the medicine of these basic forms are powerful. The simple act of showing up and practicing these shapes strengthens our resolve as well, along with our commitment and our patience as we explore our physical world of feeling!

I really hope you enjoy Utkatasana!

In love, for love, as love,

Susie xx