Hello out there!

What glorious late Autumn weather we’re having! There is something about the Sun that makes everything ok. It feels like hope to me, when the Sun is out. It’s a reminder that light is the governing force on this planet!

This leads me to the Sun in our astrology chart. The Sun represents the eternal, never changing energy that we aspire to in life. The energy our Soul came to experience life through. For example, I have a Scorpio Sun. This means that Scorpio qualities are what govern the overall theme of my life. I have my Sun in my 3rd house, so 3rd house topics are a part of that theme. I have Venus and Mercury there as well, so they also have a lot of influence over how I go about achieving all that I came here to achieve in this incarnation.

My ascendant or rising sign is Virgo. This represents the character I came to play. It is the part of my chart that represents my personality, my constitution, my body, etc. The energy of Mercury, through the sign of Virgo. Very different to Scorpio! This leads me into great adventures that ultimately act as growth and sheer delight for my Soul! If I can allow it to happen!

In Yoga we could liken the energy of the Sun in our astrology chart to Purusha. Purusha can also be represented by Shiva and all deities that represent Shiva. It is the representation of masculine energy, however, it is so much more than how we perceive masculine energy. Purusha is consciousness, pure and all seeing. With no ability to create. It is all pervasive, all knowing, and vast. Like the Sun!

Prakriti, which is the force of creation, could be likened to the Moon. Daily fluctuations are governed by the Moon. Creating within the cycles of the Moon holds great weight, for farmers and fisherman, and more and more people are looking at these cycles on how to plan life in general.

Life itself, as in babies, are created within the cycles of the Moon. The female reproductive system is governed by the cycles of the Moon.

The Moon represents the environment we grew up in, how that shaped our minds and hearts and everyday life. The Moon can represent the Mother or how we were nurtured. There will usually be a pattern that evolves and becomes apparent via the fluctuations of every day life and our relationships within daily life, which lead to a comfort as well as a springboard to healing.

The patterns of our fluctuations, the patterns of time, the patterns of the seasons. All of life can be felt as a pattern or a web of patterns.

Prakriti is the feminine, as well as so much more than that. Prakriti can be known as Shakti and any female deity that represents the force of creation. Three forces of Shakti are the energy of will or desire; the energy of knowledge; the energy of action! Action can promote growth, it can support stabilisation or it can be destructive. These are the forces that govern this planet. All three are required!

Over the last year we have had Jupiter in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is energy that wants to stabilise. Jupiter, I just checked, has just moved in to Gemini as I write this email. No wonder words are flowing faster than I can type! Jupiter is expansive energy, Gemini represents communication and our mind, as well as many other things.

Jupiter will be here for a year. The stabilising energy of Taurus combined with Jupiter will now shift to the destabilising energy of Mercury through Gemini. I am not meaning anything negative, by using the word destabilising, it is simply something to watch for. Mercury, the archetype of Hermes, loves to pull things apart.

Jupiter desires a coherent whole. Venus loves patterns, Taurus is ruled by Venus. Jupiter has had 12 months with the energy of Venus and the Bull. What can we take from that into the next 12 months, as Mercury pulls it all a part to see if it really is the foundation we so desire.

The house that Gemini and Taurus rule in your chart, will give you more insight into what all of this means for you! When we have a shift like this, things can feel upside down, for a time. Our chart gifts us insight into how best to navigate this for ourselves, and can offer context and deeper meaning as to why we may want to pull things apart.

May we traverse this shift with awareness and adventure in our minds and hearts. May we learn more and more about ourselves for wellness, security and peace.

With love and warmth,
