Hello out there!

How are you going?

It’s a glorious sunny day here today after a very frosty morning!

The photo above is symbolic of Venus and her current transformation that she’s undertaking. She has just reappeared as an evening star after a long sojourn through the dark. The seeding point for this transformation started back on the 21st April with the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is home territory for Venus, and she has been involved with all transits since that time.

At the moment she is in Leo, finishing up all Leo business before moving into Virgo tomorrow. She squared Uranus on Friday/Saturday, which may have brought through some sudden insights about what your heart truly desires. Later today we will have a New Moon in Leo, which will amplify these last hours of Venus in Leo. Venus, all things beauty, love, creativity, wholeness, patterns, things that fit together. In Leo, ruled by the Sun.

What is it that really lights you up?

Depending on where Leo is in your birth chart will determine the Leo themes connected to Venus and the Moon. None of this astrobabble will make sense until it is personalised. For example, Venus can depict our desire for love relationships and how we conduct ourselves in them. However, for me, Leo rules my 12th house, which symbolises unconscious material and Self. So with this happening in my 12th house, it is very personal. It is about my relationship with myself and the unconscious material that governs my external relationships. And Leo and the Moon give it their extra flavour as well!

Whilst teaching is one of my very most favourite things to do in life, I cannot see the point in going on and on about something that is not personalised.
Hit me up for a reading!
It will be fun and enlightening and useful .. I promise .. !

From a seasonal perspective, during August, our nervous system can start of feel the shift of season on it’s way. The first of August is Imbolc. The halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring equinox. Spring holds a powerful energy, with energy from deep in the roots now making it’s way up and out. Pushing through whatever is in it’s way. This is also true for our bodies and our minds. Our body is our mini earth.
This energy will push anything that needs to shift in the body and mind up and out, with great force if need be. This can feel destabilising!
Reflecting on past seasonal shifts, from Winter to Spring is a great idea. Knowing that our nervous system senses way before we have cognitive awareness or understanding is useful information to know. If you are aware that Spring can be a challenging time for you, with allergies, skin conditions, digestive changes, sleep changes, etc, it is a great idea to prepare.

We can do this through daily routines and seasonal rituals. Dinacharya is the practice of this in Ayurveda.

Dina = day and Charya = regime.

What we do during the day, and the changes we make seasonally, creates an intimate connection to ourselves and our nervous systems. Getting a jump on this saves us from the upheaval of transitions.
Imagine if you knew how to stir, rouse and enliven your systems in alignment with the seasonal shifts instead of waiting for the external to throw you into these states, which can lead to disarray!?!

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultations are the path forward for learning about yourself in this way.

Along with Astrology, these systems are so personalised. For example, Anthony and I have very similar Ayurvedic constitutions, but the way that expresses itself through us is entirely different. Of course there are similarities, but very different digestive requirements. We are also both very Mercurial in our expression of the planets, but again different expressions of this. There will always be a connection between your Astrology and your Prakriti (Ayurvedic constitution), and Vikruti (Ayurvedic imbalance)I offer both, online and in person.

Some questions for you to ponder ..
Has there been shifts to the way you feel about relationships?
Do you desire more beauty around you?
Do you desire to create more beauty around you?
Do you feel like you are seeking balance in certain areas of your life?
Does your body struggle to digest changes?
Does your diet change with the seasons?
Do you have rituals and routines in place to support you?
If so, do they work?

With this transformation of Venus at play, we have the opportunity to come out of our heads and into our hearts. When the wind blows through the heart due to past hurts you may find layers of protection there. Self Care through Dinacharya and learning more about yourself will support you through this, in beautiful, simple and empowering ways.

I am planning my next Ayurveda Workshop to be in Hepburn Springs, probably the first or second week of September. I am creating a full day offering instead of it being over 4 weeks. I will keep you updated!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

With love and warmth,

Suse x


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