Hello, How are you? I’d love to hear from you! How are you feeling with the current weather and the cosmic weather? We’ve moved through equinox, our first eclipse and we’re heading into a watery week for our second eclipse. This second eclipse will be in the sign of Libra, with the south node. Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus. Venus is interested in relationships. All kinds of relationships. Specifically with women, sisters, friends, lovers, work colleagues (especially female work colleagues). There is also a broad focus on all relationships, with our bodies, money, life in general. This will be specified by the house topics activated for you. Where is Libra in your chart? What is the relationship between this placement and the rest of your chart? What will the focus be for you? Right now, we have the Sun and Mercury crossing the south node in Libra. Then just days before the eclipse, Mercury is cazimi, at the heart of the Sun, activating a clarity, with insight and knowing, around purpose and direction. These themes will also be activated with the eclipse. Again, the areas of life affected are found in the house that is ruled by Libra in your chart. So why did I suggest this week will be a watery one, with an eclipse in an air sign? Whilst Libra is more abstract in it’s expression of feelings. More conceptual in it’s ideas about relationships, it is still a sign that is ruled by Venus. Feelings will be activated! Couple this with a grand trine forming, right off the back of the eclipse, in the water signs, we have a very watery week ahead! The eclipse is happening at 5.48am on Thursday 3rd October. The trine is happening later that afternoon and will be in active range until the 6th October. This will be felt now, in the build up, all the way through to the beginning of next week. We have Venus in Scorpio, feeling the undercurrents. I am a natal Venus in Scorpio person, so I know how this energy operates. It’s curious in it’s lightest expression all the way to not trusting in it’s denser layers. It engages us in activities and connections that can explore the deeper, darker layers. It this is foreign to you, it probably won’t feel comfortable! We have Mars in Cancer, bringing a fierceness to how we feel. Themes around family, the structure of families, close groups, close friendships, home and all of the things that make home comfortable and accessible to us for retreat with a sense of belonging. Mars can bring an energy that can cut through the layers of tension within these settings. Mars also doesn’t mind tearing things to pieces so a new configuration can be created. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, so this energy will be strong! We have Saturn in Pisces, bringing a wise elder (thank goodness!) energy to this trine. Saturn has been in Pisces for quite some time, and is retrograde right now, so the themes that come up during this period will not be foreign. Saturn will bring in some boundaries and Pisces will allow for things to be less personal. Pisces can bring with it unity consciousness. A softening of the intensity of the details allowing for a broader view. The houses that are governed by these planets in your chart will give you personal context. Along with other aspects they are making to other areas of your chart. What is your process when emotions get activated? Do you dive in and swim around? Do you feel like you’re drowning and call for a life jacket or life boat, or both?! Do you find access to your logic reasoning is your way through? Do you react and worry about the mess afterwards? None of these situations are right or wrong! They are all totally valid and it may be a mix of some or all of them. The main thing is that we get to learn more about ourselves, how we operate, are we happy with that, are there any changes we’d like to make? A big BUT here … Eclipse portal is not the time to make the changes. It is the time to observe, feel, look, listen, to self and others. Being a South Node eclipse, means that we have the opportunity see some familiar patterns, and being in Libra, there will be the energy of the scales, fairness and justice, around as well. The photo above feels fitting for the week ahead, a boat on the water, balance required, with a sense of airiness with the net and the birds. I thought is was a wonderful representation of Air and Water. These two elements can seem foreign to each other, yet they need each other for balance. The relationship between the head and the heart come to mind. That definitely sums up the week ahead .. a journey into the balance between your head and your heart! Beautiful 🙂 There will be no class this afternoon. I have been out all week with a virus. I’m feeling much better today, but recovery requires rest as well. As does my voice! I can feel that losing my voice could be the ‘secondary’ I’m left with, as is my pattern of dryness. Being high Vata in my Ayurvedic constitution, my work is in hydration to support my body from the after effects of being ravaged by a virus. If I rush this I get drier and drier and drier! May you all have safe passage though the waters of the week ahead May you have time for rest to soften May your current understanding expand With love and warmth, Suse |