Tadasana is our starting point. It translates to Mountain pose. This shape reveals so much about us and has so much to offer us. Tadasana is us, standing upright, on two feet, steady, balanced, strong. However, usually the first thing we learn about ourselves is that we favour one side more than the other. That maybe parts of the body feel offline, so to speak. Meaning, some parts of ourselves are easily felt, then other parts of ourselves are not even really there from a felt sense. Maybe our shoulders work more than our legs at holding us up. I know this sounds a little strange, but tune in! My shoulders were so active when I would stand in this shape, almost like there was no trust in my lower body. Now in that sentence alone there is so much information revealed about me and how my energetics used to operate!

It is such a relief now to feel my legs strong and my shoulders relaxed, whilst standing. The element I would associate with Tadasana is Earth. Taking time out to embody and explore the qualities of a mountain, the qualities of earth, are so worthy of our attention! Strong, steady, calm and ready are some of the words that come to my mind when I feel into the presence of a mountain in my energy field. What a wonderful energy to have available to tap into when I need it. Some examples of needing these qualities are when I’m standing in a long cue and I’m feeling restless, when I’m sitting in traffic needing to get somewhere, when I’m working and I’m feeling tired but I have a little more to go! Stamina is what the element of Earth has to offer us. Grounded stamina, to continue to show up. From this stamina comes resilience. Resilience seems to be the ability to take in whatever is happening in the moment and to remain present to it. Without reacting, yet with a presence that is responding to the situation in a way that is calm and clear.
Choosing to practice standing in Tadasana every day is a wonderful and simple way to begin to train this part of us we refer to as awareness. This becomes the part of us that observes, observes what we are feeling and experiencing without the need to label or judge or even to mind if we like or dislike what we’re doing! Whilst enjoying something makes it easier, and I really hope you do enjoy this journey, there will be moments when you will meet pointy bits, sticky bits, rough bits, upsetting bits and maybe hot bits! All of the parts of us will eventually come out to play! This is why we need to start with Tadasana. To be able to return to this simple shape, amidst other things, either in life or on the mat, will serve you well no matter what’s going on.
Tadasana will become the template for all of your standing asanas. You will return to it over and over again. Then you will use it over and over again as an entry point into the next shape. Tadasana will bring you back to your centre, back to your balance, back to your felt presence of your feet strongly connected to the Earth. I really hope you enjoy the journey into your Mountain.
With love, Susie