Have you noticed the light is changing?

The days are longer, the birds seem chirpier, the colours are blooming with the bulbs pushing their beauty to the surface. From the deep roots of winter springs forth a rich display of colour and scent to awaken and enliven our senses out of their slumber. The rich tapestry of comfort that winter encourages us to undertake is now being guided to renewal.

How is this renewal showing up in your life?

Does it have the wisdom of the roots that went deep during winter?

Is it feeling rushed and a little chaotic?

According to Ayurveda, winter is a Vata season, with a grand finale of Kapha, which leads into the new growth of Spring. It is important to remember here that Kapha, the experience of growth, the elements of Earth and Water, are being pushed by the force of Vata. Change and movement are Vata’s superpowers if our roots are strong enough to withstand the push! Imagine if the bulbs of your favourite spring flower were not lodged deeply enough in their relationship with the Earth… when the winds of change inevitably blow, the roots would be uprooted and the surface glory would be swept away!

Vata is comprised of the elements Air and Ether or space. It is mobile, dry, cold, changeable, anxious, fearful. It can create a scatteredness that can look like chaos. It doesn’t mean that things can’t grow and that things can’t take off in wisdom, it simply means that some support may be required for it to come to fruition throughout the season of spring.

In our gardens it means we protect the seedlings/seeds we plant, we nurture them into their growth. We make sure they have enough protection from the winds that blow. We tend to them and we check on them, creating the conditions they need, even though the weather may be offering the opposite. When it comes to our bodies and minds, we need to create the conditions that are suitable to our growth as we come out of winter. If the change is leaving you feeling scattered or dishevelled, a few simple tweaks here and there to diet and routine, could be all that’s required to create the conditions that are ripe for your growth.

Learning about Ayurveda, which translates to ‘the Science of Life’, strengthens our connection to our nature, the nature of how the elements express themselves through our individual body/mind. This learning also connects us to nature, Mother Earth herself, plugging us back into this experience of how we can live and commune as one, with Earth and with each other. The knowledge we gather and gain about ourselves first, about our individual blueprint, extends our awareness to the fact that everybody has their individual blueprint of the elements. So it’s through this dive into ourselves and our uniqueness that we connect more strongly with the Earth and with each other.

Take some time to tune in and feel how this transition time between seasons is affecting you.

How is your digestion feeling? Have you noticed any changes?

How is your mind going? Can it settle, or is it a little jumpy?

How is your skin? Any changes here?

How do your eyes feel?

Do you have allergies or is there a change to mucus production throughout your body?

How is your sleep?

These questions could lead to other questions. These questions could lead to lots of information. A really supportive tool is to journal with questions like this throughout the year and the seasons to learn about the seasons of you. After a couple of years you may find a pattern emerge. It is through these patterns and this connection to self that we can learn to prepare for the changes that will inevitably come as the winds change direction!

In love, for love, as love, Susie xx