Private Sessions

Yoga as a Somatic Experience
Susie draws from the vast teachings and wisdom of Yoga and the tradition she is linked to, to work with your body, mind and breath. Her goal for movement classes or personal sessions is to approach the teachings from a therapeutic perspective to serve you personally. Classes are capped at small numbers so this can be achieved.

Yoga and Ayurveda
The Ayurvedic perspective is one which looks to nature and to the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether. We explore how the balance of these elements create your personal blueprint. With this information we then look back to nature to learn how to bring vibrancy, peace and harmony to your experience of life.
Becoming Clear
Learn how your mind works according to the ancient philosophy of yoga. With this information we can explore simple processes to bring more clarity to decision making. With life seeming to be a constant string of decisions made, this can only support wellbeing and an ability to settle into a flow that exists beyond our cluttered mind.

Somatic Body Work
Susie offers a variety of hands on body work. Like all of her work, her approach is gentle and exploratory. Nurturing self in this way deepens our relationship to our body. This relationship serves us to integrate the experiences that life offers us.
Akashic Records
According to Yoga and many ancient sciences and philosophies, all of our experiences, ever had, are recorded and travel with us from incarnation to incarnation. These are called the Akashic records. Exploring the Akashic records connects us directly to our Souls journey, shining light on the present moment and supporting us to live more joyfully in the now.