Happy Mother’s Day to all of those that care for others in the world. Be it furry four leggeds or two leggeds or elderly or partners. The energy of the Mother is used through different areas of life. The energy and archetype of the Mother is symbolic of heart centred sacrifice, to show up in a receptive way to learn how to care for others.

It’s a willingness to put others needs up there with our own. There can be imbalance in it, we can sacrifice too much and martyr the energy of the Mother. It is yin, it is dark, it is present, it is everchanging. It goes where it needs to go, like water, strong and patient, wise and resilient. We can weave its magic into all areas of life.

We birth creative projects into the world constantly. We midwife others as they enter the world and as they leave. We sit in the womb of creation every single day. becoming aware of this is a great gift in life.

In the traditional ideas of Motherhood, I have relied on great Mothers that have come before me. To support me in my parenting, in my darkest of hours. I have prayed to Mary Magdelene and to Mother Mary. They are very different energies. They bring peace and strength to mothers in need. There are many mothers in need of respite that don’t get respite. There are many mothers that have a full network of support around them. I’m sure that both come with their challenges. There are many great Mothers throughout all different cultures that can offer guidance to Mothers in need.

Taurus season is a wonderful season to reflect on the attributes of Mother. We are all here together on Mother Earth. She has all of the precious resources we could ever need. There’s a steadiness deep in her soil. There’s a regenerative quality, when she’s treated properly, that we can learn so much from. She is an eternal giver, with everything we need season to season, as we need it. She teaches us to slow down. To learn about what harms and what supports us to prosper. She’s home to all that goes on here. Her wisdom runs deep.

May the medicine of the Great Bull support us to slowly turn inward as we move toward winter. As we move into the next 12 months of Jupiter changing signs to Gemini. There is a very different flavour to Jupiter in Gemini than Jupiter in Taurus. We go from Jupiter and Venus to Jupiter and Mercury. Jupiter brings expansion and brightness. Optimism and let’s go energy! It seeks the ideal, it seeks the perfect way for all of the parts to fit together. Taurus is solid and earthy. Slow and resourceful. Embodying the beauty of the senses and the qualities of earth. Gemini is light and changeable. Mind focussed and airy. It dips from the light, to the dark. It brings the wisdom of the underworld back to the light. 

The archetypes are Zeus (Jupiter) and Hermes (Mercury). Zeus seeks the coherent whole; Mercury constantly pulls apart! What a wonderful pairing to explore!

We can take what we have learnt from the last 12 months of Jupiter in Taurus and the conjunction we had a few weeks ago between Uranus and Jupiter, out into the communicative sign of Gemini! 

Where is Gemini in your chart?

What houses are you moving from and to?

This will give you personalised insight into how you’re growing and learning and evolving with this energy, and what challenges you may face!

I am moving from the 9th house, the house of study and higher learning, wisdom and philosophy and travel, into the 10th house. I now get to practically apply all that I study and learn. I hope that Gemini takes me out of my comfort zone, and with Jupiter, gives me the courage to be heard.

It seems very fitting that circumstances have led me to getting creative in the ways that I offer my work! I am excited about the workshops that I am developing. There is updated information on my website. It’s still a little bit of a work in progress there, but it’s coming together!

Our first workshop will be a four-part workshop focussing on the wisdom and practical application of Ayurveda. You will receive a comprehensive quiz that will lead us to finding our constitutional make-up of the elements, our personal expression of the Doshas. Then we will look at the three Doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha over the following three weeks.

Dates have not been set yet, but please reach out if this sound interesting to you! It will be a fun and interactive workshop which will give you supportive resources to explore in everyday life! You can attend via zoom or in person.

I am being loved up! I went on a big walk this morning, what a glorious day it is today, I had breakfast cooked for me, I’m being taken for a picnic lunch, into the forest. Yay!

May you soak in some of this glorious sunshine!


