Welcome to the season of Kapha!
The photo below is a photo from the recent Ayurveda Workshop. From Kapha week. Kapha dosha is made up of the elements of Water and Earth. The shift into Spring is represented by movement away from Vata, to Kapha, as growth takes off, to create a vibrant sea of blossoms and foliage.
Kapha can become overwhelming in it’s growth and we can find it challenging to keep up with the growth in our gardens and grass.
The same goes for our bodies. Think of Kapha as mucus. It is the cohesive qualities that build and grow our bodies. It is a time of year where allergies and digestive upsets can occur. We can feel inundated with mucus and our bodies reaction to that! Kapha mucus will get sticky and thick. Vata mucus will be clear and it will run. Think streaming, watery eyes and nose. Pitta mucus will have irritation and heat involved.
There are many, simple ways to learn to bring balance to these experiences as we move through the year.
Everyone’s balance point is different though, that’s where it gets fun and unique to you!
This bring me to the changes I’m making within the structure of my business.
Over the last 3 years I have been using different modalities to work with people for healing. Healing through connection of Body, Mind, Emotions and connecting to Soul. I will continue to use these modalities, however, as a first contact and in road to ongoing exploration of Self with me, you will now enter via an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation. From the information gathered and analysed through the lens of Ayurveda an ongoing plan will be decided together. The areas of focus will be sleep, food, movement, breath, mind, rest, and creating a dinacharya (a daily routine) that suits you and will change throughout the seasons.
The modalities I will continue to work with are: Ayurvedic food and dietary suggestions Intuitive Somatic Bodywork (a subtle and powerful approach to hands on body work) Ayurvedic Psychology (to learn the layers of the mind to support decision making) Yoga, Movement and Breath Astrology Akashic records
The Initial Wellness Session is 1.5 hours and follow up sessions are essential.
I have learnt over the last 3 years, that the common thread that connects us all is that we need to calm and soothe our nervous systems and minds. For any other sessions to be beautiful ally’s for your healing, a focus on digestion and sleep for wellbeing are essential. These two systems, digestive and our circadian rhythm, have a huge impact on regulating or dysregulating our hormones.
Any information received must be digested by the body to be of use. If our digestion is compromised, our decision making is compromised, our stress levels are harder to regulate, it is challenging to show up for Self, to create the changes we need to make for an ongoing sense of Wellbeing. Care, commitment, focus and ongoing support are crucial to bring about change.
I am working from ChiKin Yoga and Pilates Studio, in Bacchus Marsh, on Mondays, for in person appointments. All sessions, except for the Intuitive Somatic Bodywork, can be offered via zoom on other days.
The next Ayurveda Workshop is on Sunday 13th October at Lazuli Wellbeing in Hepburn Springs. This is a beautiful purpose built yoga studio on a private property, surrounded by bush. It will run as a full day offering, where wonderful Tanzee will not only create a sumptuous feast for our eyes and senses with her room set up, but also a mouth watering Ayurvedic lunch. This will really bring the teachings of the 6 tastes of Ayurveda to life!
Reach out for more details.
It is a wonderful way to learn about yourself via Ayurveda with other people. The sharing that takes place is often the greatest part of the teaching. Listening to each others unique relationship with the five elements.
This hasn’t left me with many words about Astrology. We will have a Full Moon on Tuesday in Aquarius. Energy is building for that. There is a lot of action around it as well. Take care, go slow, write things down, eat some warm, nourishing food. Step into the observers seat for a bit!
I hope to see you sometime soon!
With love and warmth,