Suse’s Blog

The Balance between Heart and Head
Hello,How are you? I’d love to hear from you!How are you feeling with the current weather and the cosmic weather? We’ve moved through equinox, our first eclipse and we’re heading into a watery week for our second eclipse.This second eclipse will be in the sign of...
Kapha Season
Hello!Welcome to the season of Kapha!The photo below is a photo from the recent Ayurveda Workshop. From Kapha week. Kapha dosha is made up of the elements of Water and Earth. The shift into Spring is represented by movement away from Vata, to Kapha, as growth takes...
The Quickening
Hello out there!How are you going?It’s a glorious sunny day here today after a very frosty morning!The photo above is symbolic of Venus and her current transformation that she’s undertaking. She has just reappeared as an evening star after a long sojourn through the...
Hello!How are you going out there as Winter takes us deeper into the dark?It’s virus season, that’s for sure. The wind is blowing things around as I sit and write this email. Winter is a combination of Vata and Kapha. This winter feels more Vata than the years passed....
Hello out there!What glorious late Autumn weather we’re having! There is something about the Sun that makes everything ok. It feels like hope to me, when the Sun is out. It’s a reminder that light is the governing force on this planet!This leads me to the Sun in our...
Mothers Day
Happy Mother's Day to all of those that care for others in the world. Be it furry four leggeds or two leggeds or elderly or partners. The energy of the Mother is used through different areas of life. The energy and archetype of the Mother is symbolic of heart centred...
Uttanansana – Standing forward fold
Welcome to the category of forward folds! This is one of my favourite categories of yoga poses (I think you'll find that I say this about all categories!). Why do I love forward folding so much..? Because it is calming to the nervous system! Forward folding grounds my...
Utkatasana – Chair Pose
Why would we practice Utkatasana? This shape drops our energy down into our feet. From there we need to find the strength in the musculature of our thighs, and stabilise our core energy to support the opening through the shoulders. The thighs and the core work...
Urdhva Hastasana – Raised Hands Pose
Why would we raise our hands in the air? So many reasons ... Raising our arms from a solid base, with awareness at our base, allows our shoulders to move in a relaxed way. Like we spoke about last week, with Tadasana, we are creating these shapes from our connection...
Have you noticed the light is changing? The days are longer, the birds seem chirpier, the colours are blooming with the bulbs pushing their beauty to the surface. From the deep roots of winter springs forth a rich display of colour and scent to awaken and enliven our...